The Bahamas Premier Institution for MMA, Judo, Jiujitsu, Karate, Kickboxing, and Self-Defense


email: * All- Star Family Centre - Joe Farrington Rd * 242-364-6773

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thank You.. You Saved My Life

I received a call during the height of the Iraq war from Iraq.
It was a former student of mine. A US army Officer. He had
called me to tell me "Thank you....You saved my Life."

He then went on to recount how he led a raid on a house,
after shots were fired at his command unit from the house during
a routine patrol.

He was the first man in and when he kicked the door down, he found
himself with a rifle pressing against his neck.

He immediately assessed the situation and saw a very nervous
man, behind the man were a couple of women and the realization
hit.... They were in the Wrong House. This was a father defending
his family.

The problem was his team was right behind him and all they
knew was someone had put an AK47 to his head. He quickly
disarmed the man using a technique that I had taught him
then stood between him, his two wives and 17 children so
that they would not be shot by his very worried team.

Over my 25 years of teaching I have heard "Thank you...
You saved my life" many, many times. From police officers
to women who avoided violence.

My Father used to say "It's not boasting if you are telling the
truth." So I say this to you.

I am one of the best in the the world in the field of self-protection.
I am an internationally recognized expert, author of books and DVDs,
Head of an international Jujitsu system, and a sought after Seminar

In fact if you can find someone with my qualifications in the Bahamas
I will personally pay for your lessons.

Let me help you to Stop Living in Fear

I am offering 30 days FREE for my kickboxing/jujitsu/ self defense course.
The course meets Tuesday 7:15 - 9 pm and Saturdays 12 noon to 1 pm
at my Headquarters on Joe Farrington Road.

What are you waiting for?

All the best to you.

God Bless.

Professor D'Arcy Rahming
9th degree Black Belt
Trainer of Life Champions
Youth Olympian and Pan American Medalists

P.S. You don't need to be in shape to start and you don't need any experience.
We now have an 82 year old woman practicing with one of my Instructors:-)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Upcoming Grappling Tournaments

All Star Family Centre will be holding 2 judo ground grappling tournaments before the end of the year.

The dates are: Oct 30 and Nov 27.

Time: 5-8pm

Where: Xavier's Lower School Hall

Ages: 3 to adult

Cost: $25

The theme for the first tournament is: Winning with Positions and Pins.
The theme for the second tournament is: Ne waza (grappling)

More details will follow.

Sensei D'Arcy Rahming

p.s. These are not Bahamas Judo Federation tournaments, so other grappling and wrestling schools are welcome to participate.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to Create a Desire to Achieve

Many people tell me that they can't get their kids motivated to do

Yet they continue to "reward" this behavior by catering to
every whim of the child. Even in some cases to compromising
their own ethics and standards to provide material rewards.

Then they look around and wonder "what happened?" when the kid
turns out to be a loser.

Tip #1
Put your kid into situations that challenge him and take him outside
of his comfort zone.

I just watched this documentary on the Kids boxing program in Cuba.

This video inspired me and made me realize that our Judo program in
the Bahamas is on track.

I am not suggesting we in the Bahamas adopt this Cuban model at all.
I do NOT believe that separating kids from their parents, keeping them
under-nourished and focused primarily on one thing only will create a
balanced person.

Nor do I believe that having a kid play video games and watch TV for
hours a day (separating them from their parents), feeding them junk
food (under-nourishing them) and focusing only on whether they
are getting good grades in academics (focusing them only on the
intellectual) will create a balanced person either.

This seems to be the new Bahamian model.

The Mystics of all religions understood this common thing:

Great poverty and great wealth have the same impact on the
human Spirit.

One of these impacts is a lack of desire to achieve.

May I suggest a third way. Put your kid in a physical activity that challenges
him and places him way beyond his physical and mental capabilities. Preferably
an Olympic sport that he can master given enough time.

Of course I am biased as to what that activity should be. That is why I teach
the martial arts.

I was an adult before I realized that not everyone wanted to
better their circumstances. It took me a long time to realize
that most people were happy right where they were. And that
people measure success differently.

Indeed, being comfortable in your circumstances can bring a
sense of peace.

Unfortunately this can also be a great negative.

Many people satisfy with average and are comfortable just getting
by. The problem with that is average today means that you are on
the bottom.

Aim to achieve.

God Bless.

Professor D'Arcy Rahming
9th degree Black Belt
Trainer of Life Champions,
Youth Olympian and Pan American

p.s. I am convinced that our Elite Competition Judo Team Model
is superior to that of most countries. Consider enrolling and/or
upgrading your kids to the Elite Team.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why Just Telling a Kid to Toughen Up is NOT Enough to Stop Bullies...

Bullying is often done in secret.

That is why the wrong kid sometimes get the blame.
I know of instances where a kid has been mentally and
physically tortured by other kids and decided to finally
retaliate violently.

Then the kid was disciplined by the school for being overly
aggressive in his response to what appeared to be a minor problem.

That is why I do not believe in these zero tolerance policies.

The WHOLE situation must be examined.

I also know of parents who have threatened little kids who are
bullying their kids with violence, because they know that they
are making life a living hell for their child.

I'm not condoning this type of behavior... NEVER. But I do
understand how it could get to this point.

Tip #1
Just TELLING a kid to stand up for himself is not enough
to deter bullies and rarely works.

Often times kids can't stand up. There is something in the
way the bully has set things up that makes the bullied person
feel that he has no power to make a change in this situation.

Remember bullying begins with an imbalance of power. Two against
one, a more accepted social group, a larger kid, etc.... These are
all ways that power manifests itself.

If it starts with an imbalance of power. a successful plan must first
correct the imbalance.

Sometimes it is the bullied person's emotional and psychological
make up that makes it difficult for them to react to the threat.

Sometimes it is the school environment itself, as the bullied kid does
not believe adults can or will help them. Why? Because previous cries
for help have been ignored or the bully has been allowed to create
this type of perception.

So what should be the first step to correct this imbalance.

Tip #2
Identify what is causing the imbalance of power and move to
shift the power back in the favor of the bullied person.

As a parent, you may have to pick your child up from school at an
earlier time to deny the bully access to your child.

You might have to enroll your child in self defense classes
to increase his confidence.

I repeat. It is often NOT as simple as saying, "Oh, toughen up kid!"
If you want him to get tougher, you have to give him the tools to be so.

You may have to visit the child's teacher or visit the bully's parents.
What do you say?

No matter what the situation, unless there is an imminent physical threat
with no persons of Authority available to step in, direct violence should
be the LAST step in trying to solve the problem and it may only make the
situation worse.

Therefore the kid's personal plan should begin with what is called VERBAL JUDO.

I'll talk about verbal Judo and why I think it is a good starting point
in the next article.

God Bless.

Professor D'Arcy Rahming
9th degree Black Belt
Trainer of Life Champions,
Youth Olympians and Pan Am Medalist.

Any plan must involve increasing the student's confidence.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to Make Sure That Your Child Can Handle A Bully

Age 5 to 11 is a great time to start MMA Judo.

Part 2 of what is the best age to start MMA Judo.

It's this age that the kids begin to learn specific skills of
self defense and self confidence.

It's also usually here that the kids either become bullies,
bystanders or the bullied...

I've had to counsel kids in all of these categories.

I can tell you from personal experience being in any of these
categories can be pretty devastating to a kid.

Tip #1
Anyone can be bullied.

First of all let's define bullying so we put the right solution
to the right problem.

Bullying has four components to it:
  1. an imbalance of power
  2. threats of further aggression
  3. an intent to harm
  4. the above three points lead to terror

And I do mean terror. Some kids being bullied will
avoid going to school. Kids will begin to wet their beds,
grades will drop.

If your kid is a bully, YOU are going to suffer because you
will find yourself in the Principal's office defending this
kid over and over again or worse at the Police station.

Tip #2
Confidence is the beginning of being able to avoid a bully.

I have many examples of students who were being bullied
then developed the confidence to put a plan into action and
stop the bullying, when even the adults around seemed to be
at a loss of what to do.

In the next part I am going to talk with you about how bullying
takes place and why the wrong kid is often punished.

God Bless.

Professor D'Arcy Rahming
9th degree Black Belt
Trainer of Life Champions,
Youth Olympian and Pan American Medalists


Get everyone in the family involved.

Friday, October 8, 2010

How to Develop Mental Toughness - Part 2

I once saw my Judo teacher cry....

It was during the time he was talking about an experience

he had in World War II. He was telling me about how he

lost a lot of friends to a Japanese sniper who displayed

incredible toughness by taking on impossible odds...

They threw everything they had at this guy until....well you

know what happens during a war.

The mental toughness of this unknown enemy soldier was

one of the reasons my teacher went to Japan to learn martial

arts and therefore in some strange way I owe the knowledge

of martial arts transferred from my teacher to his unknown enemy.

My teacher taught thousands of people and so have I. Mental

toughness is indeed contagious.


Tip #2

Mental Toughness can only be developed through troubled times.

Click here for a schedule of my classes


Many people crumble at the first sign of trouble. That's why society

is falling apart. If it is not easy, most people simply quit and move on to

the next thing.

Parents condone this behavior by making constant excuses for their

children. They want the child's life to be pain free. Unfortunately without

a struggle there can be no growth.

In my martial art classes I create a safe form of "trouble" to allow the kids

to learn how to become mentally tough. I often have kids spar with kids

just a little larger or more experienced than them as part of the training.

The larger kid is always told not to hurt the smaller one, but not to allow

him to win.

Sometimes the smaller kid will cry in frustration.

I never stop the action unless there is a physical injury. And physical

injuries are VERY VERY rare. But emotional frustration is common.

I let the kid fight through the tears. After a while the kid stops crying

and continues to spar because he has to. Quitting is not an option.

Usually he feels accomplished afterward because he didn’t quit. The

student leaves class on a high because he knows he is tougher than

when he entered.

My hope is that when he encounters a problem in his job or marriage

or church life that he won't quit because he knows it will not kill him

and that the goal is worth the struggle.

Click here for a schedule of my classes

All the best to you.

Sensei D’Arcy Rahming

9th degree Black Belt

Internationally renowned Author

p.s. October is a great month to start classes.

click here for a schedule of my classes

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Are We So Mentally Soft?

Part 1 - How to Develop Mental Toughness.

I sometimes have the students say positive affirmations
during class. “A winner never quits and a quitter never wins!”
is my favorite one because it speaks to mental toughness.

Fact: At some point in life, things are going to get tough. It
does not matter your level of wealth, fitness or health... at
some point in life the thing that you value most is going to be
challenged and then you are going to find out who you
really are.

My job as Sensei is to prepare you for that tough time... to
give you the tools you need so that you do not crumble when
others need you to be strong.

And to make sure that these skills are transferrable to situations
other than the martial arts.

I’ve been teaching since 1987 and I’ve had many experiences
in building mental toughness. When I see my students toughening
up I know I’m doing a great job and it's also nice when someone
comes and tells me that my teaching helped them or their kid.

Click here for video

Tip #1
Mental toughness begins with having a clear goal

In war colleges, they call this the Principle of the Objective.
Simply put - stay focused on what you are trying to accomplish,
despite the obstacles that will come your way.

So here is my formula to help develop mental toughness in students.

Set a goal slightly beyond reach, identify what is stopping you mentally
from achieving the goal, design drills with obstacles to help you
eliminate the mental barriers.
click here for a schedule of my classes

In part 2 Well talk about the importance of tears.

All the best to you.

Sensei D’Arcy Rahming
9th degree Black Belt
Internationally renowned Author
p.s. October is a great month to start classes.
click here for a schedule of my classes