The Bahamas Premier Institution for MMA, Judo, Jiujitsu, Karate, Kickboxing, and Self-Defense


email: * All- Star Family Centre - Joe Farrington Rd * 242-364-6773

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to Create a Desire to Achieve

Many people tell me that they can't get their kids motivated to do

Yet they continue to "reward" this behavior by catering to
every whim of the child. Even in some cases to compromising
their own ethics and standards to provide material rewards.

Then they look around and wonder "what happened?" when the kid
turns out to be a loser.

Tip #1
Put your kid into situations that challenge him and take him outside
of his comfort zone.

I just watched this documentary on the Kids boxing program in Cuba.

This video inspired me and made me realize that our Judo program in
the Bahamas is on track.

I am not suggesting we in the Bahamas adopt this Cuban model at all.
I do NOT believe that separating kids from their parents, keeping them
under-nourished and focused primarily on one thing only will create a
balanced person.

Nor do I believe that having a kid play video games and watch TV for
hours a day (separating them from their parents), feeding them junk
food (under-nourishing them) and focusing only on whether they
are getting good grades in academics (focusing them only on the
intellectual) will create a balanced person either.

This seems to be the new Bahamian model.

The Mystics of all religions understood this common thing:

Great poverty and great wealth have the same impact on the
human Spirit.

One of these impacts is a lack of desire to achieve.

May I suggest a third way. Put your kid in a physical activity that challenges
him and places him way beyond his physical and mental capabilities. Preferably
an Olympic sport that he can master given enough time.

Of course I am biased as to what that activity should be. That is why I teach
the martial arts.

I was an adult before I realized that not everyone wanted to
better their circumstances. It took me a long time to realize
that most people were happy right where they were. And that
people measure success differently.

Indeed, being comfortable in your circumstances can bring a
sense of peace.

Unfortunately this can also be a great negative.

Many people satisfy with average and are comfortable just getting
by. The problem with that is average today means that you are on
the bottom.

Aim to achieve.

God Bless.

Professor D'Arcy Rahming
9th degree Black Belt
Trainer of Life Champions,
Youth Olympian and Pan American

p.s. I am convinced that our Elite Competition Judo Team Model
is superior to that of most countries. Consider enrolling and/or
upgrading your kids to the Elite Team.

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