The Bahamas Premier Institution for MMA, Judo, Jiujitsu, Karate, Kickboxing, and Self-Defense


email: * All- Star Family Centre - Joe Farrington Rd * 242-364-6773

Friday, September 24, 2010

How Extracurricula Activities Can Get Your Kids into the Best Universities

FACT: Top universities today have difficulty determining who are the candidates

that will add the most to their student body. Successful applicants

need more than just good grades.


Universities KNOW that life skills are developed outside of the classroom

and measured by your success in Extracurricular Activities.


But then the question "Which activity should my child be required to master?"


Tip #4

Put your child in a NON TEAM activity that they can have at least regional level

success in.

Click here for a schedule of my classes


This looks REALLY good on a college application. Make sure it is

an individual sport and not a team sport, so the child can

really stand out.

I realize that signing up a short kid for basketball, an overweight kid

for soccer, a highly uncoordinated kid for baseball because they LIKE

it is important for the emotional well being of the child. And peace in

the house.

But they have no realistic future in these highly competitive sports.

I chose the martial arts for myself because I was not particularly fast

and not too strong. But yet I went on to be a world renowned expert,

international seminar leader and a Karate champion.

I later turned this into a career where I develop champions in the martial

arts. They say charity begins at home, so the first champions I developed

were my children.

All three wanted to quit by age 15, and all three won championships up

to regional levels and the last one even won a match at the Youth Olympics.

Click here to see Cynthia's Heroic Journey.


Two of my kids are now at top Universities in part because they were

national and regional champions in the sport of Judo.

Click here for a schedule of my classes


My kids are also pioneers in the sport because not everyone plays Judo,

so it was easier to make national teams and win national tournaments.

Because it is an individual sport, it is easier to win at an international level

because you are not dependent on an entire team.

Imagine if I had tried to get the same result with basketball. LOL!

All the best to you.


Sensei D'Arcy Rahming

9th Degree Black Belt

Internationally renowned author


Martial arts are about finding a way to win, so regardless of your

size, height or strength you can still become a champion. Get

your kid registered today.

Click here for a schedule of my classes

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